Your baby’s first year goes by in the blink of an eye, and photography has the magical ability to preserve bits and pieces of this beautiful time for you to revisit. Milestone photo sessions are an excellent way to celebrate any special stage of your baby’s growth and development, and I’m happy to help families throughout the Bucks County area capture these precious moments. To make it easier for you to plan for your baby photography sessions, I’ve created this checklist of the top items you should bring.

Baby Outfits
When we’re planning your baby photography session, we’ll talk about your vision for your baby photos and the look you want to create. Of course, outfits are an important part of creating that look!
You can bring a few outfits you love for your baby that fit your color scheme and style for the session. As you’re choosing outfits, I recommend:
Muted or neutral colors
Outfits your baby will comfortably wear (nothing that is itchy or that they tend to tug at)
Items without writing or prominent logos
Baby’s Favorite Snacks
Keeping your baby happy is one of the most important elements in a wonderful baby photography session, and babies are happiest when they aren’t hungry (as are we all!). Be prepared to breastfeed your baby if needed, or bring bottles or food that they enjoy.
Guaranteed Smile-Makers
Even if your baby has a full belly, sometimes they just need a little extra boost to bring out that adorable little smile, or even a giggle or two, for the camera. If there are any items you have at home that tend to make your baby happy, bring them! Ideally, though, stick to items they just want to look at, not necessarily hold. Once you hand a lovey or toy to your baby, it will be hard to take it away without upsetting them, so only bring it if you want it to be in your photos.
All of Baby’s Essentials
This probably goes without saying, but for the sake of having your entire list put together in one place, I’ve included it anyway. Make sure you have a fully stocked diaper bag with everything your baby may need, like extra diapers, wipes, and so on.
Any Sentimental Items to Include
This isn’t a must-have, but some families have sentimental items they want to include in their baby photos. It might be a special blanket that Grandma made, a little baby accessory that you passed down to your child from your own baby days, a book that your family cherishes, and so on. I’m happy to include any of these items that will add an even more personal touch to your milestone photos.
Preparing for Your Baby Photography Session
With every baby milestone photo session I complete, I’m reminded of the amazing journey this little family in front of me has been on so far and all the years ahead of wonderful memories to be made. I would be honored to create mementos of this special time for your family too. Contact my Doylestown, PA photo studio to book your photo session.