When you welcome a new baby to your family, a fresh 48-photo shoot can be a special way to preserve memories of this amazing experience for years to come. If you’re not familiar with Fresh 48 photography, this is a photo shoot that takes place in the first 48 hours after you give birth while you’re still in the hospital. It’s a type of lifestyle photo shoot, meaning that it focuses on capturing authentic interactions among your family rather than posed portrait photography.
Parents who already have kids often ask, “Should we include our newborn’s siblings in the fresh 48 photo shoot?” As a Bucks County baby photographer, I’m happy to share my two cents.

Should You Bring Your Baby’s Siblings to Your Fresh 48 Photo Shoot?
Including siblings in Fresh 48 photography is purely a matter of personal preference. For each option, I have had plenty of parents choose this path and their photo shoot was a beautiful experience that they wouldn’t change for the world. While I can’t tell you which option to choose, there are a few pros and cons that can help you decide.
Benefits of Siblings in Fresh 48 Photography
The bond between two siblings can be such an amazing, one-of-a-kind relationship. In Fresh 48 photography, you have the opportunity to photograph this bond from its earliest days. In fact, some families choose their fresh 48 photo shoot to be the first time their kids meet their new baby sibling, and it’s such an incredible moment to have on camera!
When your kids are included in this photo session, it also honors their own experience with their sibling’s birth. This time will be a formative memory for your child, so as they get older, they may be deeply appreciative of having photos of this moment.
Challenges or Concerns about Including Siblings in Fresh 48 Photography
As meaningful as it can be to bring your older kids to your newborn’s fresh 48 photo shoot, there are some concerns to keep in mind. The first is regarding your own experience. Bringing in your older kids may take more energy for you at a time when you may be exhausted or not feeling well. It can be stressful to make sure your children are staying safe in the hospital room with all of the medical equipment around.
It’s also important to recognize that you don’t know how your older child or children will react to their new baby sibling. It takes some kids time to warm up to a new baby, so it’s important to keep your mind open instead of hoping for a specific reaction from the camera.
How to Prepare Siblings for a Fresh 48 Photo Shoot
If you do decide to involve your older child or children in your Fresh 48 photography, here are a few tips for preparing them:
Talk to them about what to expect from the experience
Explain that they’ll be in a hospital room with equipment that can be dangerous so they need to be very careful and listen to you closely
Don’t worry about about what they wear - fresh 48 photography is all about authenticity so there’s no need to coordinate outfits among the family
Booking Your Fresh 48 Photography
Whether or not you involve your older kids, I would be honored to capture your first moments as a growing family. Contact Samantha Wilson Photography and let’s chat!